A Trail of Great Failures and Abnormal Success
A fragmented collection of madness and lunacy. Painstaking precautions were taken to ensure this would not be a coherent or scholarly work. It is a psychedelic work with mind altering intentions. Mediation, trance, omens, cosmic signs, superstition and synchronicity are threaded together. It is absurd and abominable. It is a comet passing through the night.
It is the afterglow. It is the afterbirth.
Interlace your fingers with mine.
Mysterian: the Secret Life of Saint Natas
Please watch this movie by my dearly departed friend, Leon Irvin. We recorded this over a 24 hour period to showcase my first five books. -Nathan Neuharth
Poetry readings from the Wolves of Distress book release. Video compilation by Asher.
Another thing: Review of Confessions of a Black Magician
And check this: Interview with Nathan Neuharth